Applications Case
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  • Vindum Constant-Volume CV Valves

    2016-01-09 12:13:51 0Comments 1777Views
    vindum valve.vindum.Manual Saturator.vindum engineering valve.
  • Robust Servo Motors Survive Space X Launch Conditions

    2013-05-30 15:55:56 0Comments 2321Views
    Robust Servo Motors Survive Launch Conditions to Optimize Rocket Fuel Burn
  • Aerial Fire-Fighting Application Note

    2013-05-25 11:38:18 0Comments 2376Views
    Aerial Fire-Fighting Application NoteThe Exlar GSX40 is deployed in two areas of the application. For safety and for dump control, each tank must maintain absolute pressure control (sloshing 24,000 gallons of water would be a catastrophic event). Th…
  • Rotron Small Vaneaxial Fans

    2013-05-06 12:27:38 0Comments 2016Views
    Rotron Small Vaneaxial FansSmall Vaneaxial Fans have higher-pressure building capabilities than tubeaxial fans. They utilize the same style inverted motor that allows for very high-speed operation due to the small diameters. The pressure capability of…